
DoorDash - Food Delivery App


DoorDash  Food Delivery App get it for Free

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About this app

Delivery anywhere you are. DoorDash offers the greatest online selection of your favorite restaurants and stores facilitating delivery of freshly prepared meals, fresh groceries, alcohol, household essentials, and more directly to you. With more than 310,000 menus and 12,000+ grocery stores across 4,000+ cities in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, you’ll find the best of your neighborhood as you shop and order online. Spend more time doing the things you love — we'll take care of the rest. Plus, enjoy $0 delivery fees on food, groceries, and your favorite items for your first month.


Rating on GP= 4.6 star

reviews = 3.43M

Downloads = 50M+


Uber Eats Food Delivery App


Uber Eats: Food Delivery

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Uber eats appp download for free

About this app

Get food delivery to your doorstep from thousands of amazing local and national restaurants. Find the meal you crave and order food from restaurants easily with the Uber Eats app. Track your order in real-time.Get the best food delivery app install on your phone and find your favorite food & restaurants.


Order food from nearby restaurants and search by cuisine, restaurant name, dish, meal. The Uber Eats app offers a variety of food delivery options for you to order and enjoy, including: pizza, burritos, burgers, sushi, and tasty Chinese takeout. Prefer Pickup?